Stuart Island: Reid Harbor and Turn Point Light Station

The San Juan Islands offer many destinations that can be visited over and over, and somehow they never get old.  For me, Reid Harbor on Stuart Island is one.  I can spend a few days hanging out a few times a year and not grow tired of this familiar spot.

My latest cruising video was filmed on a trip to Reid Harbor last week, and take viewers along as I visit the Stuart Island School and the Turn Point Light Station.


I hope you enjoy this video, as well as my others, as I continue to learn more about creating videos while having a lot of fun in the process.  I welcome your feedback and invite you to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep up on future content!

Cruising in April: A Fine Old Boat and a New (to me) Anchorage

The Pacific Northwest weather might having thinking otherwise, but springtime is officially here.  Just over half way through, we’ve had our share of “April Showers” – along with March, February, and…  Bring on the May flowers!

With some free time and a forecast that looked okay, I pushed away from the dock for a few days for a much appreciated getaway.


For more information on the Motor Vessel David B, visit the Northwest Navigation Website and check out Christine Smith’s book, More Faster Backwards: Rebuilding David B.

For more information on the Kimball Preserve, visit the San Juan Preservation Trust

I’m Going Somewhere! March Cruising in the San Juans

It has been a pretty lousy winter for boaters in the Pacific Northwest this time around – at least it has been for this boater.  The weather man says you can count the “nice” days we’ve had since October on one hand, and pretty much all of them I’ve been tied up with work or other obligations.

When my schedule coincided with a favorable weather forecast, I just had to seize the opportunity to get away from the dock for a few days and enjoy the offseason’s lack of crowds and a little sunshine for a change.

Only Three Miles Away

I couldn’t even begin to guess how many times I’ve passed by on my way to other destinations, somehow reasoning that good anchorages can’t be so close to home.  The truth is, though, that an often overlooked little gem lies just a stones throw from Anacortes.

Saddlebag Island is a Washington State Marine Park, adjacent to the east end of the Guemes Channel near Anacortes.  With an open schedule and a decent weather forecast, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity for an overnight trip close by.

If you enjoy my videos, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep up on future content and watch all of my videos.  Thanks for watching!

You Don’t Need to go Far to Get Away

It’s October, and we’ve officially entered what is unofficially the “off season”.  Given a few days of beautiful weather with nothing on the calendar, I decided to get away – even if only for an overnighter.

I keep Jolly Mon pretty well-stocked and ready to go throughout the year, so preparation for a quick trip is minimal if the opportunity arises.  I grabbed a change of clothes, a few groceries and was under way with little delay.  I didn’t have a destination set, but had a few in mind close to home.

I settled on James Island, someplace I hadn’t been for several years, but I’m very familiar with, having spent many family boating weekends there as a kid.

Check out the video below for my autumn visit to James Island.

I hope you enjoy my videos.  I continue to learn more with each and every one, and hope to create a winter cruising series!  Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep up to date.