You Don’t Need to go Far to Get Away

It’s October, and we’ve officially entered what is unofficially the “off season”.  Given a few days of beautiful weather with nothing on the calendar, I decided to get away – even if only for an overnighter.

I keep Jolly Mon pretty well-stocked and ready to go throughout the year, so preparation for a quick trip is minimal if the opportunity arises.  I grabbed a change of clothes, a few groceries and was under way with little delay.  I didn’t have a destination set, but had a few in mind close to home.

I settled on James Island, someplace I hadn’t been for several years, but I’m very familiar with, having spent many family boating weekends there as a kid.

Check out the video below for my autumn visit to James Island.

I hope you enjoy my videos.  I continue to learn more with each and every one, and hope to create a winter cruising series!  Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep up to date.