Movember First – Manscaping

It’s the first day of Movember, the month formerly known as November.  The month when men all over the world grow creepy mustaches to raise awareness – and money – for causes that seek to keep men from dying too young.

Today I do my official Movember manscaping, as I begin the month clean shaven and grow  a mustache for the next thirty days.


Since 2003, the Movember Foundation has been on the only global charity with the sole focus of tackling issues affecting men’s health.  Mo-Bros and Mo-Sistas have helped raise over $710 million and funded 1,200 breakthrough men’s health projects in 21 countries for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention, while positively challenging the way in which men’s health issues are addressed.

Men are dying too young, and the rates of these casualties are staggering:

  • Prostate Cancer: In the U.S., prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United States. Statistics show that 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.
  • Testicular Cancer: Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men aged 15-34. And, unfortunately, the rate of men diagnosed with testicular cancer has doubled in the last 50 years. About 8,720 new cases of testicular cancer are diagnosed in men each year.
  • Mental Health: Untreated mental health conditions can carry a high risk for suicide among men. More than three times as many men as women die by suicide in the U.S. And on average 87 men each day take their life by suicide.

For more information check out, check the Movember Foundation, where you can learn more about the work they do and how you can help!

You Don’t Need to go Far to Get Away

It’s October, and we’ve officially entered what is unofficially the “off season”.  Given a few days of beautiful weather with nothing on the calendar, I decided to get away – even if only for an overnighter.

I keep Jolly Mon pretty well-stocked and ready to go throughout the year, so preparation for a quick trip is minimal if the opportunity arises.  I grabbed a change of clothes, a few groceries and was under way with little delay.  I didn’t have a destination set, but had a few in mind close to home.

I settled on James Island, someplace I hadn’t been for several years, but I’m very familiar with, having spent many family boating weekends there as a kid.

Check out the video below for my autumn visit to James Island.

I hope you enjoy my videos.  I continue to learn more with each and every one, and hope to create a winter cruising series!  Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep up to date.

Summer Cruising: Tod Inlet

For the past several years, I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy cruising the Gulf Islands in the “late” season, as summer turns to autumn.  I generally tack on a little time after the annual Canadian Tollycruisers Rendezvous, and if time and weather allow I head toward one of my favorites this time of year: Tod Inlet.  I qualify that with this time of year, as even though it’s beautiful throughout the year, during the peak summer season – especially on weekends – Tod Inlet, like other popular destinations can be quite crowded.

The final video from my Summer Cruising Series is from my recent visit to Tod Inlet, with a side trip that I enjoy while I’m there.  I hope you’ve enjoyed my videos from this summer!

This video was shot with my DJI Osmo camera and DJI Phantom 3 Standard quadcopter.

Summer Cruising: Wallace Island

For the fourth video in my Summer Cruising Series, I visit Wallace Island in the Canadian Gulf Islands.  This is another very popular destination in the Gulf Islands that offers much to see and do.  I blame the nice weather, but I was surprised at the number of boats that were there during my visit, as compared to September visits in the past.

I hope you enjoy this video, which offers a quick look at Wallace Island.  I’ve enjoyed creating these videos, and learn a bit more in the process with each one.

This video was shot with my DJI Osmo camera and DJI Phantom 3 Standard quadcopter.

Summer Cruising: Canadian Tollycraft Rendezvous

As I continue my summer cruising series, my third video is from the annual Canadian Tollycruisers Rendezvous, held at Telegraph Harbour on Thetis Island, BC.

I’ve had the pleasure of attending this rendezvous for the past several years, and my summer just wouldn’t be complete without it.  The long weekend is full of fun events, and through the years has brought Tollycraft enthusiasts together with vessels ranging from seventeen to sixty-five feet.

I hope you enjoy this short video I put together as just glimpse into a great time with great people in a very special location.  Rendezvous are fun – if there’s one for your brand or design of boat, I encourage you to check it out!