Time to Change Course

If you’ve followed my blog at all over the past few years, you’ve probably noticed something different this year.  I haven’t been boating.  In fact, the boat hasn’t been out of the slip since September, which is quite unusual for me – usually I’m getting away for at least an overnighter here and there somewhere close by.  This year has been different.

Which leads me to announce that as of today, Jolly Mon is available for sale.  I’ll provide a complete specifications later in this post, but first I wanted to share a bit about how I’ve come to this decision.

To be honest, this is tougher than I thought it would be…


My readers who know me personally know that I grew up in a boating family – it was just our “thing” that we did together.  But, perhaps it’s time for a change, as there is something that has always sat in the back of my mind, a new passion to pursue.  Continue reading “Time to Change Course”

Cruising on to YouTube

I’ve decided to try something new…  The idea isn’t new – it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.  Combine a few of my skills: story telling and photography, with a little technology to create some short, hopefully enjoyable videos.

In addition to my own content, I’ll link to other YouTubers’ content that helps fuel my daydreams of adventure.  They’ve inspired me, and perhaps my videos can help inspire someone else to get out and do the things they love, or experience something new.

So, check it out! See the channel trailer below, or visit my YouTube Channel for more!

The Happy Wanderer

We were standing in front of Refuge Cove Store on a warm, sunny Desolation Sound July afternoon. I spotted her in the distance, making her way up the steep and rickety ramp from the dock below.  She was was coming our direction, on a mission, looking for someone or something.

“Do one of you fellows own the Tolly 28 Express?” she asked.

The outstretched arms and pointing fingers from my friends turned her attention to me as I was working on a humongous ice cream cone, customary when visiting Refuge Cove.

“That would be my boat,” I replied, wondering what I possibly had done this time.  Did I cut them off?  My wake? My boat was still tied to the dock and afloat, so I guessed it wasn’t some sort of emergency.  She was cheerful-looking little lady, wearing a big smile and a sharp summery nautical outfit.  I figured I wasn’t in too much trouble.

Continue reading “The Happy Wanderer”