Introducing S’mores to Norway?

I’ve really been enjoying my stay in Trondheim, and the time I have spent getting to know family here. Over the past couple years, with the help of technology- e-mail, Facebook, and Skype- I have been able to connect with people that otherwise would have been difficult, perhaps impossible. Without these connections, this trip would be a complete different experience.

For the past few days I have been visiting with another family of relatives in Trondheim. For nearly a year I have been in regular contact with my cousin Martin. We share a birthday- he is 16. I’ve had the opportunity to help him with English homework, while he has tried to teach me some Norwegian. Despite his best efforts, his English far outshines my Norsk…

Martin and I will be traveling to Bergen tomorrow for a few days to visit his aunt, Catherine. I’m excited to see Bergen while spending some time with Martin and meeting even more relatives.

I’ve been trying to figure out something “American” to share, and I recently asked if s’mores were popular in Norway. Nobody knew what I was talking about… They have marshmallows. They have chocolate. No “Graham crackers”- but a reasonable replacement was found after an Internet search.

Marshmallows were toasted over a barbecue and mashed between a couple biscuits with some chocolate. The result: s’mores. I’m fairly certain Martin and his dad enjoyed them.

